Redcurrant yoghurt
The delicious sharpness of redcurrants is an irresistible combination with sweet dishes. Enjoy redcurrants at breakfast or as an easy dessert. Made in a flash!
- Directly to...
- Breakfast, Dessert, Snacks, Brunch
- 2 persons
- 5 min. preparation
- 215 kcal Nutrition Value
- Gluten free Low in fat
Preparation method
- Strip the redcurrants from the stalks. Reserve a few as a garnish and mash the rest with a fork. Stir the mashed redcurrants through the vanilla yoghurt and divide over the bowls. Garnish with the reserved redcurrants
Nutrition value per person/bite
- Energy
- 215 kcal
- Protein
- 8 g
- Fat
- 4 g
- Saturated
- 3 g
- Carbohydrate
- 35 g
- Sugars
- 33 g
- Fibers
- 2 g