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Delicious for a vegetarian day

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EAT ME Parsnip Product photo

Parsnip is another root vegetable that is quickly gaining a trendy image. In reality it is a vegetable that has been eaten for generations. Centuries in fact. This trendy root - made popular by parsnip soup - was once the ultimate food of the masses, even before potatoes gained that status. But over time, like many other heirloom vegetables from the past, the parsnip became forgotten. Fortunately, appreciation for authentic flavours from the past is on the rise.

And flavour is certainly what the parsnip delivers! They look like pale carrots and they also have a flavour that is reminiscent of carrot but a little sweeter. You can even detect a hint of aniseed. EAT ME parsnip is a vegetable that can be prepared in many ways: cooking, baking or frying. Because of this versatility, it is the ideal option if you want to serve up more vegetarian meals.


It's becoming a modern classic: parsnip soup! For an exclusive twist, add some salmon. Parsnip is also an excellent vegetable to make healthy fries. And it makes a wonderful stew. And what about some parsnip crisps?


Wash parsnips before preparing. If you want to retain the aniseed-like accent, leave the EAT ME parsnip unpeeled. Then slice or chop as you like.

How to use parsnip in the kitchen?

  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Grill
  • In salads
  • Stir-fry
  • Deep frying

Storage advice

Parsnips have a very long storage life, but they are best kept in the fridge.

Nutritional values per 100 grams

71 kcal
11 g carbohydrates
1,1 g fats
0,2 g saturated fats
4,9 g fiber

The fibre content of the parsnip leaves many other vegetables standing: an unprecedented almost 5 grams per 100 grams! It is also a source of vitamin C, which is important for the gums. And don't forget the minerals in this vegetable: parsnip is a source of potassium, good for your blood pressure.

Where do parsnips come from?

Our parsnips are grown in Spain and the United Kingdom.